December 3, 2009


7:22, my watch read. I walked a little faster. The bus was leaving in eight minutes, and I still had to get my ticket.

Just a few more steps to the bus depot. I'd been walking for half an hour, and drops of sweat were pooling in the neck of my $270 cropped leather Guess jacket. It was too warm for it that night, but there was no time to pause and take it off. I had two midterms coming up the next day, and the 7:30 was the last bus to Winnipeg.

7:26, and finally I was at the ticket counter. "A one-way student ticket to Winnipeg, please." If I was lucky, I would make the bus. I crossed my fingers in my left pocket while I passed the ticket dude my debit card with my right.

For a second, I debated with myself over whether sprinting for the bus would be worth the sweat stains in my lacy tank top. Two midterms tomorrow, and I'd be heading straight back to rez where I could change before anyone saw me. I made a run for it.

The last people in line were just getting on the bus. I made it! I arrived panting as the driver was about to close the doors. He gave me a knowing smile, but let me on.

The bus was nearly full. It looked like I wouldn't be able to get a whole seat to myself. I glanced up and down the rows for the person who looked least likely to bother me during the ride. Old lady, ugly guy, sleeping woman. I sat next to the sleeping woman.